Sample Reports
The centerpiece of the software is the prostate biopsy report. It is a best-of-breed, multi-page, image-enhanced report with customizable client and patient-specific features. The reports are visually appealing and include digital images, illustrative graphic elements, survival charts, and patient educational components. Many pages are branded with the client’s own logo. It’s innovative design was singled out by the Dark Report.
The following images show our prostate report and various surgical pathology reports
Gross Surgical Pathology Images
Many pathologists give short shrift to gross specimen images. There are many reasons for this: the camera is a hassle to set up, the lighting system is poor, there is no appropriate archiving system, the APLIS does not handle images well, etc.
We believe that gross images are important and convey as much information about the case as the microscopic ones. As a group, we strive to create the best possible surgical pathology reports and those should include gross as well as microscopic images.
We use a variety of software programs to manipulate the images and then archive them. In some cases, the images are part of the APLIS system but in others—when the system does not allow this functionality—we use stand-alone programs. Several examples of these case photo pages are shown here.